P483 – Laser Plasma Source MPI CEC
Laser plasma source for soft X-ray radiation
Year of delivery
Installation site
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Germany
This laser plasma source is designed for high intensity, source stability and service life using relatively low-cost solid targets. The spectrum of the emitted radiation can be changed by using different target materials.
Design Features
Solid target laser induced plasma source for soft X-ray radiation.
- Re-usable target substrates for different materials (facets or foils).
- Motion axes for target scans and position correction for up to 100 Hz laser repetition rates.
- Additional diagnostics for target and laser focus pre-alignment.
- In situ diagnostics for position, size and intensity of source point for each separate laser shot.
EtherCAT based motion control system, synchronized encoder readout (suitable for on-the-fly measurements), software with server-client architecture, TCP-IP protocol.
- Support structure with motorized optomechanics for laser in-coupling.
- Mechanically decoupled internal mechanics from the vacuum chamber.
Performance Features
- Long target lifetime for continuous operation without target exchange.
Low cost target refurbishment.
- High stability of target source point.
- High positioning resolution and repeatability of target motion and correction.
Outer Dimensions
Technical specifications and performance values
Vacuum chamber
Chamber type
cylindrical, horizontal axis
1.4404 (C < 0.02%)
Base pressure / working pressure
< 5 x 10-8 mbar / < 5 x 10-6 mbar
Illumination and emission geometry
Laser beam incidence angle relative to surface normal
63° to 65.9°
Emmision angle relative to surface normal
Beam output 1: +24°
Beam output 2: -24°
Acceptance angle at exit flange
Beam output 1: 25.7°
Beam output 2: 25.7°
Target parameters
OFHC facets
different foils (OFHC, Tungsten, …)
Target diameter
180 mm (new)
170 mm (when used)
Usable length
90 mm
Rotation frequency
ca. 1 turn /min
Lifetime pro scan (facets target)
ca. 14 h
Position stability (1σ) at source point
with pinhole camera (without laser)
< 5 µm
Target motion axes
Target rotation
360° (endless)
Resolution (design value)
0.9765 x 10-4 °/motor fine step
(1/64, recommended)
8.3819 x 10-8 °/encoder count
Resolution (measured value)
10 µm /step (at target circumference)
Positioning accuracy
(at target circumference)
0.12 µm
Target translation
> 95 mm
Resolution (design value)
0.0026 µm /motor fine step
(1/64, recommended)
0.05 µm /encoder count
Resolution (measured value)
10 µm
Positioning accuracy
0.05 µm
Target correction
> 5 mm
Resolution (design value)
0.0097 µm /motor fine step
(1/64, recommended)
0.05 µm /encoder count
Resolution (measured value)
0.05 µm
Positioning accuracy
0.03 µm