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Spectrometers at synchrotron radiation beamlines are used to analyze and detect soft and hard X-ray radiation, which is elastically and inelastically scattered from a specimen placed in the interaction center of the experimental station.
Precision slit units open symmetrically and feature exceptional blade parallelism and straightness at a wide opening range. They are designed and built using well-proven modules and principles combining ultra-high precision and repeatability with a robust design for reliable operation. Each unit is custom-tailored according to the requirements at the specific installation site.
The constant-strut-length hexapod mechanism is well suited for mirror manipulation in UHV, especially for combined beam switching and beam splitting or for mirror exchange. The parallel-kinematic approach allows for free definition of the rotation center for pitch, roll and yaw, higher stability, repeatability and load capacity as compared to a stacked design. Mirror exchange units can be realized using a…
Variable included angle monochromators, usualy refered to as plane grating monochromators (PGM), allow for a fixed focal length as a function of photon energy. PGMs combine ultra-high precision, repeatability and stability with a robust design for safe and reliable operation. Special attention is paid to the mirror and grating holders, which are designed to minimize deformations of the optical surfaces.
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